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Asakusa, Tokyo

Posted 4/21/2014

Asakusa is an old and traditional district of Tokyo. Both domestic and international tourists consider it as a must-see destination. Here is a view of the famous market street leading to the Senso-ji temple:

Asakusa, TokyoAsakusa, Tokyo

All kinds of souvenirs are on sale in Asakusa. Irresistible!

 Asakusa, TokyoAsakusa, Tokyo





Not all merchandise in the temple area is as materialistic as above. A nimble investment of 100 yen gets you a prediction of the future (if I interpret this correctly). You pay, pick a random number from the metal container seen on the shelf, and open the corresponding drawer to receive a written description of your destiny.  

Asakusa Kannon temple in TokyoAsakusa Kannon temple in Tokyo

This is the entrance to the Senso-ji (or Asakusa Kannon) Buddhist temple, complete with Japanese tourists.

Asakusa Kannon temple.Asakusa Kannon temple.

A view from the temple towards the market street. Notice the smoke in the background; we'll take a closer look of its source below.

 Asakusa Kannon temple in TokyoAsakusa Kannon temple in Tokyo

This incense smoke is considered to be healing. Most visitors stop at the cauldron and direct the smoke towards any aching body parts. 

Asakusa Kannon temple, TokyoAsakusa Kannon temple, Tokyo

Let me close this photographic report with a picture of a desperate mother and her energetic son. She tried to get the boy to stay still for a photo, but I think this is the only split second when he assumed the desired position. I am pretty sure that the father never managed to get the photo he was after. But here it is, in case he happens to read my blog:

Asakusa Kannon temple, TokyoAsakusa Kannon temple, Tokyo