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People of Milan

Posted 7/4/2018

Street photo in Milan, Italy.

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Close-up views of fungi

Posted 10/15/2017

I love fungi! The tinier, the better. The small architectures are just mind-blowing. Here are a couple of examples.

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Matsushima, with rain

Posted 10/11/2017

I visited Matsushima, one of the Top 3 scenic destinations of Japan. It is located near te city of Sendai, where I gave some invited mathematical lectures.

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Cityscapes in Tokyo

Posted 10/11/2017

Here are some fresh views of Tokyo, arguably the biggest city on the planet. 

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Jumping spiders of Colorado

Posted 9/3/2017

I visited my long-time scientific collaborator Jennifer Mueller in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, in August 2017. We did a couple of weekend hikes to the gorgeous Colorado nature. I caught a few jumping spiders and shot them in my yoghurt container field studio.

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Posted 9/2/2017

I attended a mathematical conference in the Fileds Institute in Toronto in August 2017. In my free time I had a chance to do some architectural and street photography.

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Amazing Slime Molds

Posted 8/8/2017

Slime molds are strange organisms. While being only a single cell with several nuclei, they have remarkable capabilities. Some species can search their surroundings for food in such an effective manner that scientists are designing algorithms mimicking them.


Observing and studying slime molds is my new hobby. Here are some photos. First: ant walking on Lycogala epidendrum and watching the smaller red ones, namely Lycogala conicum.

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Lake, With Moon

Posted 8/6/2017

Lake Kuuhankavesi at full moon. 

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Helsinki Sea Views

Posted 8/6/2017

Helsinki is located on the shore of the Baltic sea. I love to shoot ships in the soft light of long summer evenings.

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New York City

Posted 4/17/2017

I had a week-long holiday on Manhattan. Here are some photographic outcomes!

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